Monday, February 2, 2009

Bird Update

Yum. Just a note to say that we let our feathered friends hang till Sunday evening, then gave them the treatment that must come to all wild game. Served roasted, with potatoes, garlic and parsnips (followed by salad, lemon curd cake and tea) they were just dandy. Ellie did her magic with them but afterwards pronounced them rather tough in the breast, and thought we really do need to get a local recipe: perhaps braised. . . .?

1 comment:

  1. You look quite cozy there. I am glad you have such generous and colorful neighbors. I wonder how they will like opera practice...not near as loud as a boom box, but sometimes curious-sounding.
    Poor Craig is still slaving away on his work deadline. I dragged him out of his cave for a very nice salmon/steelhead dinner at a place where I had a coupon. Molly is getting better so we had grandpa over for dinner last night, a big treat for him. Quite the harmonica concert.
    Hope you get some wood soon.
    Cabin trip with 3 gurlz postponed til Valentine's/President's 3 day weekend. Will give my back time to heal.
    Keep up those blogs and photos. Happy Ground Hog Day - halfway between solstice and equinox.
    Wahoo! Love, Bot
